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Teachers and students from International Education College went to Nelson Institute in New Zealand f
2012-09-03 00:00   审核人:

Teachers and students from International Education College went to Nelson Institute in New Zealand for a short-term training

Kaifeng University selected and sent three teachers in early August to Nelson Institute one of our partner schools for three-week training in summer vacation. Through strict examinations, ZhangXiaogang, the deputy secretary of party branch of International Education College and another two teachers in the university went to New Zealand together. At the same time, two students from International Education College also went to Nelson Institute with the teachers for a summer camp organized by both sides. In late August,the Teachers and students came back after the summer training program.

The teacher training program is designed to provide the young teachers with an excellent opportunity of learning, to expand their views, cultivate internationalized thinking, and better serve the cooperative programs in future. And the summer camp for the students aims to improve learning interest, perceive the western culture, and lay a good foundation for further overseas study in the future.


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