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The delegation from University of Greenwich visited Kaifeng University
2012-06-18 00:00   审核人:

The delegation from University of Greenwich visited Kaifeng University

In the morning of March 7, the representative from the University of Greenwich, director Pu Yan came to visit Kaifeng University and discussed the cooperative education program and other matters. Li Zhi, dean of the International Educaiton College, and the staff discussed with the visiting guests in detail about the application of the cooperative education program, the professional development and curriculum and other aspects. Both the two parties firmly believed that through joint efforts and continuous communication, the cooperation will be a great success.

University of Greenwich is a famous university in the world and with a hundred years of history. It founded in the year 1890. It is one of the largest ten public universities in UK. The university has a multi-level education system with undergraduate, graduate and doctoral. It is a university with excellence in research and teaching and got the local business support to be granted the Customer First quality assurance Medal. In the year 2000, 2002 and 2007, the university has been awarded Queen's Anniversary Prize for three times.


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