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The Teaching Administrator from Australian Holmesglen Institute of TAFE visited Kaifeng University
2012-06-18 00:00   审核人:

The Teaching Administrator from Australian Holmesglen Institute of TAFEvisited Kaifeng University

In the morning of May 19, Ms. Ann de Lange, the teaching administrator of the Australian Holmesglen Institute of TAFE visited Kaifeng University. Mr. Li Zhi, the dean of International Education College welcomed Ms. Ann de Lange in the room 406 of the college building and discussed the new cooperative education program. The two parties exchanged views on the curriculum criterion, teaching program, teaching plan, teaching methods, student assignments and examination standards which have already been signed in the cooperation agreement. And the future enrollment and teacher training has also been further discussed.

After the meeting, Ms Ann de Lange paid a visit to the campus of Kaifeng University under the guidance of Mr. Jiang Dashan and investigated the foreign teachers' apartment. She spoke highly of the living conditions and made some suggestions.

Holmesglen Institute is one of Australia's largest vocational and technical education (TAFE) College. It is a modern, dynamic institution of higher education and also has a good international reputation. Holmesglen Institute is the first educational institution in Australia to obtain ISO9001 certification. Facilities and faculty are world class. The courses can be chosen include: Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses, degree programs, Graduate Certificate, shortcut courses, bridging courses for matriculation, career development courses and certification courses.


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